Monday, October 26, 2009

Sex in Relationships

Sex is important its essential to a relationship and to marriage. There's a lot of people on they "Get pussy flow" now a days. And coming out a relationship I can see why. Now im not gonna spit out my personal business because that's not what I do, but sex is a key in maintaining a healthy relationship. Ladies, now your probably thinking, " If i have too much sex he gonna think im a hoe" or " I don't like sex like that" but in honesty you don't have to drop your panties to please your man. Too often i hear about girls talking how they cant find a decent man and that Men r stupid. I say blame your mothers. Our generation is headed by single black females who raise these so called ignorant jerks that we call the Men of the black community, but that's another topic for another day. Women you don't have to have sex with ya man to please him like i said if you care for him the same way that he should care about you then it should be easy to know what he likes. BAD SEX RUINS RELATIONSHIPS! If you don't believe me just think about it. Imagine its been about 6 months since you guys been going out and you finally have sex and its horrible, now some would say well as long as he treats me right. Now what if that "as long as" runs out and things get rough as a female the first thing you gonna jump on is " your lack of sexual capability". Now don't get me wrong sex isn't everything but it counts for a lot. Honestly Men don't mean to cheat they just don't know what to do. Sometimes we as men get confused with what the proper thing is to do. For example if a girl you been going out with decides to stop having sex all of a sudden and that urge that you been having is suddenly gone, to top that y'all barely communicate then what do you do when a girl comes through and sweeps you off your feet. Do you break up with her? and then get with the new girl. But wait then that's too soon and she'll think your a cheater. but if you do it on the low and get caught your still a cheater. One thing that i find out is alarming is people cuffing on the pum pum. Thats a no-no you gonna catch feelings for a flow/slide and then end up dumping her ass in like 2-3 months crazy. I couldn't do that but that's just me and the thing is it be those dudes who mess it up for all the average people. Its been 2 years since ive been on the open market and i must say the pond is definitely looking scarce as of now. Not many fish in this ocean.

Friday, October 23, 2009

IM backk!!!

Hey guys I’m back. Some people been asking me why I stopped it’s about that time for mid-terms so ive been in the books. NOOOT idk I cant seem to study I’ve never been able 2 since I was young idk bout yall but studying is ass and a waste of time. Ne hoo topic of the day: Girls who wear uggs in when its hot outside and girls who shouldn’t wear leggings. Why do women wear uggs when its 80 outside. Uggs are made of sheepskin so for all you animal lovers out there they kill sheep for your uggs!! And I know yall care cuz im sick of seeing people saving the damn black sheep on Farmville on Facebook. Lol. Anyways though people really we need to stop they might be comfortable but u don’t see dudes wearing sweats outside when its 80. I know yall feet must be musty as hell too because uggs r suppose 2 keep your feet warm and if its warm outside and even warmer insider…smhhhh @ ya smelly ass toes ladies. Also men if u own uggs your gay idgaf.
Topic number 2: Girls who wear leggings. Now I like observing women in leggings It gives u the x-ray vision that you always wish you had lol, but there always those girls who take it too damn far. Now if you’re a Obese person you…should …not...stretch your leggings…then they become stretchies and I make fun of you with my group of friends. You should…NOT!! Wear short skirts that can show us what color panties u have …especially if you have ass going in 12 different directions. Its not CUTE!!! And stop it before I beat u…with a beef jerky stick smhh…and too the skinny skinny girls (usually white) stop! Just stop! When u wearing leggings…or in your case Legs…and u still have no ass , no shape, no back bump it sad. At WCC ive witness girls with calves bigger than they thighs ive seen one girl whose leg was literally connected to her pelvis…it was very evident she had no ass.and when I mean no…I mean her ass was a leg..smhh STOP!!! I got more stories from the 40 bus tho…till another time Peace <<3333.

Wait im not done…and im also tired of Italians and Indian people using the word nigga like its nothing im bout 2 punch paisan ova here in his pepperoni linguini eye and this curry mashing faggot next 2 me… smhh!! PEACE!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


First i must say GO JETS!!! Now i understand its Hispanic History Month and I love my Hispanic brothers and sisters. But really this is overdone. You started the show with obama doing some bullshit speech about HHM (Hispanic history month). OK that's cool, but now you have Marc Anthony who is a part time owner of the Dolphins singing the National Anthem @ the game? I don't remember this happening last MNF game just saying that was in October too. If we gonna celebrate HHM then when the Superbowl comes around in February on the 10th. We should also celebrate black history month as well. Its only fair in my opinion.I think thought what killed me is that they putting mad Spanish commercials..YESSS BRAYLON EDWARDS SCORREEEED!! i hope during the superbowl they have some Dr. Miracle commercials just saying thats all. Most people wont see it as a big deal but it is.. especially since there isn't even that many Spanish players in the NFL compared to the African-American players...its not even close actually lol. But yeahh i just needed to talk about that PEEACEEEEE <<<<33333

Friday, October 9, 2009

Live from the 40 (Hybrid)

Yo this morning it was live in the forty has my boy Joe wreh my boy O. Cole and lady shay lol but this rude Jamaican fish aka Omar gonna send me a text sayin the ugly fat shorty in front of us was smelling funky so I told him he should bag that lol ne ways Joe ended up bagging her lol nah I kid but she was fugly . Anyhoo some African Dude was talking dum loud and his scent was crazy Afro lol but he went to say something to Joe and his face was pure disgust when he smelt his breath not to mention he had a big ass booger lmaoooo live from the 40 (hybrid version)

Are you Serious?? ok. You Got me!

I was walking today to get a cut and this guy approached and told mr how he jus been in jail for 10 years and he walked from mamoroneck to mount Vernon cuz he's broke he hasn't heard from his girlfriend whose a crackhead and they have 2 kids together and he needs some money to buy them food tonight Idc if he was lyin or not he got me so I gave him 5.

Where's my hubcaps??

My girl Brit was telling me how she ran over a pothole and heard a clunking sound so she went to park and got out to witness her hubcaps Rollin down the street and hit the back of the car lmaooooo yo that story made my day so I had to share

Monday, October 5, 2009

Live from the 40

BAM!! y'all thought iw as gonna forget...Live from the 40 bus...smhhh shit never changes yo. Imma bring up an old story i wont forget neither will you. I memba one time me and my boy Glen was on the bus going to the galleria or whatever...and we sitting in the worse part of the bus...THE MIDDLE....the middle is the worse because 1) its mad tight 2) the seats r mad tight 3) the pole might b the most annoying thing on a bus..besides the pole they put in the back of the bus...where the 3 seats are so that only one person can seat there...anyhoo we on the bus and some creepy guy keeps staring at me rubbing the seat in front of us..mind you we just passed Concordia college on the Express bus so...this gonna be a very akward trip. Now the guy is looking at me with his creepy lazy eye rubbing the chair and my first reaction is to laugh which i do and he proceeds to curse me out for the next 15 minutes ....smh now lately the 40 bus aint been popping but today i noticed some fuckery.. Some chick sitting next 2 me was texting so being nosy i was reading them and she was talking bout wtf im famous!! but on the real tho she was popped...that's why she sat in the back of the the corner ...against the window with her roach kicks and peewee braids that with the hair she got on the ave...along with her Hampion hoodie...notice there's no anyhoo i was bumping my i pod dumb loud cuz i was lonely as usual and this dude came on the bus eating a double cheeseburger 2 snack wraps and what smelt like Doritos...anyhooo i was definitely hungry after that looool i was knocking and i look 2 my left and this dude with no headphones is knocking rite along with me...i felt like i made a friend without any words being said...lool bah im off for the night still got this speech to work on...its gonna be the best i ever had!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to tackle properly..MY INTRO

OK so i have to write a speech this is my intro...and it only takes me 2 minutes to read it...the speech has to be 6-8 minutes long....some critique please????

Did you ever feel like quitting in life, got to a point where you just didn’t want to get up? Well, I’m going to share with you a period in my life which changed my goals and taught me a valuable lesson.

I was a senior in high school and I was already a top recruit in the Section for my football team. I had worked all summer long to get into shape for scouts and coaches who would be watching me from some of the most prestigious schools on the East coast. Going into the season I was prepared to be the best at what I did and nothing would get in my way.

It was a Saturday afternoon three years ago that everything changed. Going into our match up against White Plains I wasn’t feeling too good about football, the coaches were on my back constantly all pre-season telling me what I had been doing was wrong and that I need to learn how to tackle better. Well before that Saturday, during the week I suffered a strained neck and I shouldn’t have been playing in the game, but being a good teammate I decided to play anyway.
Driving down the field I was chasing after a running back, as he turned towards me I lowered my head and the next thing you know I was on my back. I wasn’t moving and I had a headache. I knew I could get up and continue playing but I just laid there. I had no will. No power to continue playing football. I felt like quitting. Later on in the week I realized I had fractured my vertebrae and that I would be in a neck brace for six weeks, I was lucky to be alive the doctor said.

From that day I vowed never to get put into that situation again, I would never allow someone to tackle someone incorrectly because just one mistake or one hesitation and it could mean the difference between a great tackle or a touchdown and a trip to the hospital.

Today, I will share with all of you four tips to remember in order to tackle a person the correct way. The tips are proper balance, staying low to the ground, keeping your head up and driving your feet through a person’s waist. Now listen carefully because I don’t want anyone whether it’s your children or if you’re just playing around with friends to go through what I had to deal with three years ago.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Chronicles of the 7 Bus

So today around...idk...7pm? Im on the bus on my way to see the new Micheal Moore movie..which i must say is amazing GO WATCH IT... anyway theres this white girl and she ok looking i might say lol so yeah ...shes on the fone and shes telling her friend the time she had a bottle of tequila and she was bored and she did 16 herself....(mind you this girl is not big shes your average white girl) anyway she then talks how her ex picked her up and they went to his place and had drunken sex (9months later??) she wakes up the next morning decides to smoke a cigarette..but it made her feel worse so she takes a hot to those who have been severely hungover...COLD SHOWERS!! never hot...shes passes out. Now you would think its over rite? nahhh THERES MORE!! she den tells a story of how she came home on New years eve pissy drunk and her mom welcomes her...she replies and says " Move bitch im drunk and i have to pee" classic line i must say. At this point im in shock from what im hearing and trying bad not to laugh out loud...btw I hate Glen Anthony Sweeney Jr. for using my metrocard and leaving me with 1.75 ....i felt like an ass on the bus. Before she gets off the bus she serenades my ears with the tales of how she lost her virginity when she was 16 with a guy named Chris....on that "Fateful Night"....this chick is oppppeennnnnnn....!!!! lol Anyways guys thats tales of the 7 bus ride to new ro....i have more tommorrow im dusted <<<333

Live From the 40

So today i took the bus with my boy Omar and Shavona...and it was kool till we hit around White plains....first off We need to do something about people in wheelchairs. Now i have nothing but sympathy for the handicap..but it takes these bus drivers way to long to set it up. Ive been 20 minutes late to class and i cant say i was late because the bus driver took too long. Anyway everyone decided to come aboard the 40 @ the transcenter and as all people kno the backrow has 5 seats...but in honesty your only suppose to seat 3.. Well someone didnt tell these 2 girls who decided to sit in the backrow today...and my elbows were where my knees should tru shay fashion i get a text saying "Lols HELL YEA im bout 2 kiss dha fuckiiin window! Maa bookbaq issz DEF in ma rib" tru story it really was tho....Now people we must all follow proper bus etiqutte. When there is not room DONT TRY TO FIT IN !!! shit u make it super uncomfortable and you end up on blog. A bus is like a Male bathroom, No talking, never use the stall next to someone...and NO CUFFIN!!! LOL thats another story tho...Peace <33 i have class @ 11

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Does Every Jamaican Carry a Machete???

Ok..this is some true fuckery!!.. How u gonna slice a man up for some BS arguement? Someone needs to come in a shut that crap down seriously. First they put a ban on Gays which im not totally for but seriously i dont kno when it became cool to be openly Gay..soo imma blame bush. Anyway tho this was in broad daylight and people aint even jump in...then again that man looked very very angry and he was swinging a machete. word to the wise never get between a man and three things 1) food 2) machete 3) football. I think yall would agree because i kno that no one can talk to me if im watching football AND LET ME BE WATCHING FOOTBALL AND EATING...only words will be Run and touchdown lol. beside tho this is crazy once again he publicly chop this man in front of people. I hope they find him and send him to Iraq we need more crazy people like him. Lets see how Al Qaida feel when a Jamaican in sandals is running towards them in white tee and some shorts...waving a machete screeming BUMBAAACLOTTTT.war over Yankees win....nuff said...once again..SOME TRUE FUCKERY!!

T-Pain Apology Song

OK..first off T-pain..u cant even rap...stay to Auto-tune...and what the hell r u talking bout you the only one in the game with dark skinned girls in ya have dropped "Buy me a Drink" and "Im in a love with a Stripper" now if that is portraying dark skinned black women in a good way then ....well someone tell me. Now you apologizing to Jay..he aint even diss you..Seriously theres a lot of head giving going on in the HipHop game...theres a reason why 20 outta my favorite 25 songs are from either Jay or Ye....(other 5 belong to Jason mraz and 50...with Drake, Wayne, Ye, and EM on Forever) Back to t-Pain...sit your ass down one really care about u besides when u use ur auto-tune on songs r hop on someone record...Shout outs to my Boy Tsemaye for sending me this link.....TRU FUCKERY!!

Live from the 40

Yo my first blog and I just gotta tell yall im hype...No more shackles on my feet from stepping my game up. Shoutout to Fatima....for telling me bout this. Anyway for all my NY/ Westchester folks...yall kno about the craziest bus in the world..aka the 40. Ive seen more shit on this bus then walkin thru the mental ward @ MV hosptial...But today was some true fuckery. How im sitting on the bus and this (excuse my spanish) Nigger on the fone dumb loud...Talking about how he gonna cut dudes up and throw his boy body in the hudson river...and how he gonna chop some dude in the throat...or even how he was gonna shoot someone if they touched his ass. Soo im sitting next too HEad...i mean Alyssa and she tellin him 2 talk louder like..omg stfu lol but um yeah ...once again live from the 40 bus!!!