Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Real Immigration Problem

The real immigration problem is not with those coming from the south. Its how slaves were brought from Africa unwillingly and sold into plantations across the Caribbean and America for sugar and other commodities. How about all those Germans who fled Germany during World War 2? They say that race relations in America is finally changing, yet there's people who want to deny the birth-rights of children born in America from illegal immigrants who had the case been a century ago would be labeled in the same way that most Western and Eastern Europeans had been treated. How dare people who always talk about upholding the Constitution and at the same time try to find loopholes that for decades prevent African-Americans and women from voting. America is the home of the free and some might joke it is also the home of the slaves. So why is it wrong for a child born inside these borders not be giving the same rights that countless civil rights leaders before us have bled and sacrifice their lives for? Ask your self that question the answer might surprise you.

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