Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Look in the Mirror

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses and at times we use other things in our life to cover for the things we lack. One thing that i constantly see people especial those of the male variety do, is use the fact that they can "get plenty of women" as a front for their own problems. I've seen many of my brethren fall to this statement. I've personally have tried the "single girl" approach and it's worked and failed plenty of times, but the problem that people seem to get is the insecurities that not only females have bought upon themselves but males as well, that its simply fine to deceive, lie, cheat and manipulate. When along these years of my existence did it become perfectly fine to do all of this and people still respected you? Women complaining about how they can't find decent men yet they have a track record of dating the same guy and calling all men the same. Men constantly complaining about how women are deceitful and liars, but quick to manipulate a women for some quick sex. Both sides are wrong, but as typical humans we allow ourselves to commit the same things that we swore off the last time and then cry wolf when it happens again. No gives anyone a chance now a days always wanting to live the fast life in the fast lane see how fast they can get that pussy how fast they can get his dick how fast you can cuff all this fast nonsense. slow down I've reached the age honestly where each move has to be methodical and calculated, the decisions i make here have life-long affects. everyone claim they mature, but ask yourself what makes you that way, and what have you done in life to actually say you are? People all over need to look in the mirror and ask they self who they really see, the real you might just be scarier than you think.

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