Thursday, August 12, 2010

Non-Organic vs Organic

Funny how companies work, they tell people that you shouldnt eat non-organic because its bad for you and doesn't do your body good, but at the same time with such a recession your forced to buy the "non-organic" items at Costco and Wal-mart in "variety packs". These companies know that the size of an American family is increasing and by giving people the option of variety packs and the rise of obesity in this country it only feeds into the supply and demand of our economy. These same companies who sell there dirt cheap toxic non-organic products are usually the same who offer the cleaner, natural, and safer option of organic foods. These foods which usually taste horrible and are overpriced and packaged sparsely rarely providing you with an adequate meal for the house. When companies stack the odds so heavily in favor for the non-organic how can you financially and morally choose the organic products which increase you life expectancy over the non organic which can lead to a host of problems.


  1. This is a great start Malcolm. This topic has always been controversial to me. Your right the organic foods are overpriced, however I don't think they offer such great benefits as people say. You can take fairway's prices on peppers for example. The organic ones are 2-3 dollars more expensive than the non organic ones. I honestly don't think there's such a great health benefit there. Elders before us have eaten the regualar items for years and they're still as healthy and living strong. In my opinion, it's not worth the extra money.

  2. yeah but you do have those people who read ORGANIC and think its better its all about the name if you ask me

  3. Is there really a difference between organic and non organic? I think they claim that certain foods are organic when there really not just so you can pay more. Everything now a days is all about money, the more you spend in a grocery store the more you helping out the company. SO in my opinion, i agree with you but at the same time i still see no difference between foods just the prices. Just saying lol

  4. Well im not in the FDA so i wouldn't know but that's even worse because then your false advertising and then you can get sued.

  5. lol yeah but how many times have you gone into a store and seen things that they say it does something you buy it and it doesn't do what it says its supposed to. thats false advertising as well. if that was the case every product would be off the shelves and every store would be getting sued. i agree with nessa baby i do think its all just about the prices. does the FDA really care about your health or do they mainly care about the money going in their pockets? think about it

  6. The difference with organic foods is the natural items they use to grow the crops or feed the livestock. That's all they represent it with. Instead of a chicken getting shot up with steroids they give it natural grown food. It seems better but I don't see a difference on the nutritional facts.

  7. Well thats what im saying. I dont see a difference period except for the higher prices.
