Thursday, August 12, 2010

Break in Emergency

On rainy days like this, sometimes its best to just sit back and reflect on everything and life and just ask yourself what do you want to get out of the day.Each day i always hope that tomorrow will be perfect so that i always have something too look forward to. Ive lost a lot of friends this year, but its OK but in losing them i learned a lesson on what to look for in a person. To many times we are too caring in situations where we shouldn't be. Its fine by me to be a nice guy some might even say sweet, but never for a second think that i wont defend myself and shoot back at you if you were to ever disrespect me. Mount Vernon is nice little town its just that certain people here make it a horrible place to live. Just remember tho perceptions and assumptions are only what people think of you and if they have no part of your life. Why Be Serious?

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