Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Difficult Women & Simple Men

What follows is a diary of a couple and how their days went.

Tonight I thought he was acting weird. We’d made plans to meet at a bar and have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, and I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment.
Our conversation wasn’t flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed but he remained quiet and absent. I asked him what was wrong; he said nothing was wrong. I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry. On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving. I can’t explain his behavior. I don’t know why he didn’t say “I love you too.” When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched TV. He seemed distant and absent. Finally, I decided to go to bed. About ten minutes later he came to bed and to my surprise he responded to my caress and we made love, but I still felt that he was distracted and his thoughts were somewhere else. He fell asleep—I cried. I don’t know what to do. I’m almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else.
My life is a disaster.

I shot the worst round of golf in my life today, but at least I got laid.

Courtesy of by Ophelia Payne

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Look in the Mirror

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses and at times we use other things in our life to cover for the things we lack. One thing that i constantly see people especial those of the male variety do, is use the fact that they can "get plenty of women" as a front for their own problems. I've seen many of my brethren fall to this statement. I've personally have tried the "single girl" approach and it's worked and failed plenty of times, but the problem that people seem to get is the insecurities that not only females have bought upon themselves but males as well, that its simply fine to deceive, lie, cheat and manipulate. When along these years of my existence did it become perfectly fine to do all of this and people still respected you? Women complaining about how they can't find decent men yet they have a track record of dating the same guy and calling all men the same. Men constantly complaining about how women are deceitful and liars, but quick to manipulate a women for some quick sex. Both sides are wrong, but as typical humans we allow ourselves to commit the same things that we swore off the last time and then cry wolf when it happens again. No gives anyone a chance now a days always wanting to live the fast life in the fast lane see how fast they can get that pussy how fast they can get his dick how fast you can cuff all this fast nonsense. slow down I've reached the age honestly where each move has to be methodical and calculated, the decisions i make here have life-long affects. everyone claim they mature, but ask yourself what makes you that way, and what have you done in life to actually say you are? People all over need to look in the mirror and ask they self who they really see, the real you might just be scarier than you think.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Commission

Had mad fun last night but i have to admit a lot of people are fake as shit. I think between Jon, Clayon, Tsemaye and I we promoted the open crib hard body mad people hit us up and then no one came. These probably be the same people who always complain every weekend about how there is never anything going on. Not only did we have a grill running with steak, burgers, and hot dogs, but we had chips sodas, some music and mad bottles of liquor. Despite me being the first one 2 K.O (i only had 2 hrs of rest and i was already tired" we was popping bottles last night. Fake people came out in droves the second we posted a picture of us with the bottles poppin, once again people are fake as shit. We had people flake but my boys always got my back the Commission as we like to call it is always a team. You got some of the funniest, smartest and ignorant people in the world, but i respect them all because they like my little family. All together tho we adapted and had fun even gave my boy Charles a cake for everything he does for us, now thats love. If you ass wasn't there oh well to bad for you, but if you gonna talk about how you aint do nothing this weekend then shut up because 120 Pelham road was live last night.

p.s Henny with hypno aka the Green Hulk is dangerous but taste great.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


A picture speaks a thousand words what does this say to you. Some might find it funny, some might say its Obama's fault, and some might talk about how female babies aren't respected in Asian societies. what do you think?

Non-Organic vs Organic

Funny how companies work, they tell people that you shouldnt eat non-organic because its bad for you and doesn't do your body good, but at the same time with such a recession your forced to buy the "non-organic" items at Costco and Wal-mart in "variety packs". These companies know that the size of an American family is increasing and by giving people the option of variety packs and the rise of obesity in this country it only feeds into the supply and demand of our economy. These same companies who sell there dirt cheap toxic non-organic products are usually the same who offer the cleaner, natural, and safer option of organic foods. These foods which usually taste horrible and are overpriced and packaged sparsely rarely providing you with an adequate meal for the house. When companies stack the odds so heavily in favor for the non-organic how can you financially and morally choose the organic products which increase you life expectancy over the non organic which can lead to a host of problems.

Break in Emergency

On rainy days like this, sometimes its best to just sit back and reflect on everything and life and just ask yourself what do you want to get out of the day.Each day i always hope that tomorrow will be perfect so that i always have something too look forward to. Ive lost a lot of friends this year, but its OK but in losing them i learned a lesson on what to look for in a person. To many times we are too caring in situations where we shouldn't be. Its fine by me to be a nice guy some might even say sweet, but never for a second think that i wont defend myself and shoot back at you if you were to ever disrespect me. Mount Vernon is nice little town its just that certain people here make it a horrible place to live. Just remember tho perceptions and assumptions are only what people think of you and if they have no part of your life. Why Be Serious?

The Real Immigration Problem

The real immigration problem is not with those coming from the south. Its how slaves were brought from Africa unwillingly and sold into plantations across the Caribbean and America for sugar and other commodities. How about all those Germans who fled Germany during World War 2? They say that race relations in America is finally changing, yet there's people who want to deny the birth-rights of children born in America from illegal immigrants who had the case been a century ago would be labeled in the same way that most Western and Eastern Europeans had been treated. How dare people who always talk about upholding the Constitution and at the same time try to find loopholes that for decades prevent African-Americans and women from voting. America is the home of the free and some might joke it is also the home of the slaves. So why is it wrong for a child born inside these borders not be giving the same rights that countless civil rights leaders before us have bled and sacrifice their lives for? Ask your self that question the answer might surprise you.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Maze Daze

Welcome to The center of the human mind
Look too your right and guess what you'll find
The eyes for they see all I kno
and these have been through a lot like a G.I joe
they tend to hang droopy and stressed ya kno
more like my body man starting to lose all hope
as we continue thru the maze and daze
watch as you be amazed of from all
my senses
See as we travel down the human spine, fine
we reach the legs
which helps me to drive
drive for dream
and drive for a vision
drive for a life
without those ambitions
I guess young Clark
having one of those days
too bad no one there
to take me outta this daze
As we scale the tower the
that we call shoulder blades
we climb inside and start tearing straight at the brain
But don't get lost now cuz its a strange maze
more like a labyrinth keeps you strained and deranged
Mine's works and keeps up with the changing days
Darwin says u gotta adapt 2 stay in the game
the weak are gone and the strong survive
so why i feel like im up on my last lifeline
damn they say Malcolm man you too deep
maybe im too shallow and yall just waist deep
or maybe im too nice just stomp ya feet
cuz its happen before now im dying in the streets
laid out flat man no one to help me

damn what the fuck this aint my storyy
always told that i would grow up strong
but no one wrote the book on how 2 stay up strong... and keep the glory
I guess im finish im totally beat see
My my my this poem is so crazy
and better yet my Flow is so amazing
but im im dying breed no applause for me baby...