Saturday, October 16, 2010

Too Damn Nice

Fuck this shit im too nice to go back
Gonna come straight out the gate and say fuck you for that
I hate how i gotta be nice all of sudden
Dudes out here turning dimes in to muffins
Gosh your a sweetheart, bitch you a diet or something?
catch diabetes since im your sweet lil nothing
yeah im angry, and that's that, i generalize if i want to
you cant even stop that,
i sit idly by while you give a glancing eye
you stay judging me, but cant live life thru a just eye
so i realize the lies that was feeding me
and the real eyes have said, you ain't accusing me
and the real lies was soon enough revealed to me
that females and males are just fools you see
we run around yapping talking bout we need 2 settle down
yet our ass wont even take an L sitting down
steady fighting for no reason like we proving a cause
all these whores slimes and slores have no simple cause
but a guy will stay picking, cuz we like it real simple
its not that your ugly, you just too damn deceiving
went a fooled yourself into believing, you the only reason
that a guy should tie you down for just a lil season
so here' my simple thesis for you non-believers
if you dumb down ya self maybe you will find a keeper.

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