Saturday, October 16, 2010

Colors of Appearance Part I

Everyday on twitter and in life alone, i always hear things about "well i like em light-skin" or "team brown-skin all the way" or "darker the berry sweeter the juice #Teamdarkskin (if the berry was that dark, then Wesley snipes is one sweet dude) Pause. regardless of this ignorant talk.

How stupid are we as african-americans, or any other descent, to label each other off skin color? Lightskins are referred to as the house slaves because they were all goody with the slave master, while brown/darkskin people are considered field slaves because they worked under the heat.

We all come in different shades but to clarify yourself as belonging to a certain color and claiming your better, makes you no better than Hitler and his Aryan brotherhood. You think white people say Team blue eyes over Team Green eyes all day?? No stop being ignorant for once and actually open your eyes, and see that we always try to bring ourselves down over the stupidest of things. Either which way you look at it however no matter how light your skin you will always be a minority in the eyes of Caucasian and any other race until you decide to knock off the silly games and act like the people of one.


  1. Love it bro..this is exactly what I try to get across

  2. thanks yo i got do part 2 in some time gotta think on it
