Thursday, November 11, 2010

Double Standards For Men: Part 1

Top ten common Double Standards that men deal with. Everyday on twitter I constantly see women, complain about how they have to live with double standards and how Men have it so easy. Honestly men live with even more double standards then people think, here are just Ten that I've recently read about.

10. When breaking up, Men are jerks, women are victims -- When it comes down to a relationship, if a guy breaks up with the woman he's labeled as a jerk who would just let her down and that he wasn't all that good for her in the first place. When a woman does it to a guy, "it just wasn't right" and he wasn't pulling his weight as a man or simply put he didn't want to put in the effort to make it work.

9. Men ask and pay, women accept and smile when going on dates -- A man is suppose to ask a woman out on a date and pay, while women just accept (or deny) and smile and accept his payment for the date. That's cool after the first few times but after that, your just taking advantage of the situation. I guess that's the sacrifice for wanting a "confident" man.

8. Men are controlled by sex, women are neglected. -- If she cheats its your fault, if you cheat its because you always need sex. Men aren't always controlled by the power of sex, people often forget men have needs that are emotional as well and at times can just be fed up, Women are just as sexually active if not more than men so to categorize Men as being controlled by sex is inaccurate and just piling on to the stereotypes we all live with.

7. Men will cheat, women have control. -- Women can have male friends, but if a guy has a female friend, hes probably cheating. Too many times we encounter this situation, and more times than not its pretty false, women always say they have "brothers" and good male friends, but let a guy have a close relationship with a female, then people automatically assume that they are having sex.

6. Men have to respect women, but Women don't have to respect Men -- We realize that this is a male dominated society and that women are often seen as the second class citizens to us, but at the same time when you break it down to a one on one relationship more often women blatantly disrespect men on a regular basis then vice-versa. To put this plain and simple, if a Man disrespects a women hes rude, lacks manners, and is considered disrespectful in nature, however, if a Woman disrespects a Man, shes standing up for her principles, holding her own, and considered to a be strong woman.

These are just 5 standards that we as men face in today's society, Part 2 coming soon, because i know people have short attention spans when reading.

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