Monday, February 15, 2010

No love for the Middle Class

I'm tired of the poor getting aid my broke ass caNt get a save . My moms been workin 25 years and can't even afford to send me to a 4 year school. Screw a college loan that's modern day slavery makin me pay 25% interest on a 125 thousand dollars loan. I be damn to see my ancestors work in fields to sharecropping for a profit to me workin 3 jobs fort he bank to take every cent out my pocket. where my aid gimme my dollar I dont want reparations jus pay for my college. 40 thousand for 4 classes and 16 credits you deaded I go sell drugs and cop a new whip to make me feel better. Only way to succeed is to be poor r grow up into rich like richy rich, but ain't no love for the middle class WTf is up with this? The back bone of america being crushed by republcan tax cuts for the rich and democrats plan for those who have it bad. Capitalism been day since the dAy soulja boy was born. I'm tired of the right always fighting the left grow the hell up YOU LIE when u claim that racism ain't alive. Look at the protest everday from tea baggers to racist signs with Obama playin witch doctor and noose hangin up high. Everyone being affected by the social and economic situation of the now but you sit idly by and watch da problem grow do something positive and snap it's throat. get violent and be proactive but don't stab a nigga cuz he got ur girlfriend. It's shame how things r... I'm goin on a vacation to Dubai and slide down the ice in a place surrounded by sand.. Ain't no love for the middle class till we run em poor. Damn!

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