Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We Can Do Better.

You know I've come to realize that as I grow older the term "We can do better" is a revolving door on life. When are we truly happy with our situation, can we constantly do better? When does the pressure of doing better finally crush you and in turn you worse off than before? Well I’m trying to find that balance between happiness and doing better but it’s just one of life’s mysteries, kind of like the egg and the chicken.
If logic serves me correctly then we can infinitely do better for our self, but seeing as infinite has no time and life is so short we must find a part of us that is happy with where we are. People make life so much more complicated then it seems, in reality we are all out for our self and the experience that we have only leads to the maturity that shines through. WE try to do better for others, yet always talk about how we don't care what people say or do. Often I find myself looking for the approval of others rather than the self-improvement of myself. I can’t really rely on other because they can’t be trusted most of the time. It’s not a shot at their character but more on the way of life now.
I once heard that the true way to happiness is through laughter. That true, how many times have you felt like crap and something funny happened and made you realize that everything could "be better". I know when I’m mad I want to be mad and nothing is suppose to get in my way of being mad, but many times before I’ve been mad and someone has made a joke and I couldn't help but be mad for smiling. Nowadays though everyone is a comedian so jokes are getting played out but in reality they are what make us whole being able to laugh at our self only allows us to put things into context and allow ourselves to free from the shackles of self.
In the goal of trying to do better maybe we should just try to be us...or ourselves, we think that because people who rock Gucci this, Prado that, polo this and roll with stacks are the gods, materials don't make a person, character does, but we are so materialized that we often fail to judge people on the character alone and often get caught in the hype. If we actually took time to see who is actually doing better for themselves we wouldn't always hate on the next person because of our jealous ways. Jealousy is a human trait not female, and men are the most frequent violators of that code. We can do better all by ourselves. Aint that the truth.

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