Sunday, August 14, 2011

College Life

It pains me when people talk down about community colleges. See i fully understand that University life and dorming are what people would consider "the status quo". From Greek parties, to late nights on the promenade, and everything in between. See what people don't see however is the money that goes into all these things. You ask yourself unless your getting a full-ride or financial aid is paying for most of your school, are you really putting yourself in the proper situation to achieve in life?

There are people my age who are over 15-30 thousand dollars in debt, and don't even go to their schools anymore. Now I don't blame them for those decisions, but the lack of awareness that some called the best kept secret in the country, is that community colleges offer a flexibility that universities can't claim. At a typical 4 year school you have your major and then your core classes that you have take regardless of where you go. Now for about 15-18k less you can take those same classes at a CC, work and not have to pay for room and board. Now this might not be the route people want to take, but i'll lay the pros and cons.

The good side to this is that not only can you make more money but when you graduate from college your debt is either non-existent, or very little. You can use the money you make after school to eventually find your own place and afford other things that you most likely couldn't attain on your own away at school because the opportunities wouldn't be available to you. Another good side to the community college route is that we all get homesick, and no matter how much you dislike your parents, there are still other things you can cherish, your in a familiar area and the people who go there are generally helpful.

The bad side is that it may take you longer to achieve a degree and being in the same area that you grew up with around negative influences can often lead you offtrack on your goals. These factors coupled with the fact that you most often are still staying at home can often lead to you becoming dependent on your family and stalling your growth as adult by still becoming dependent on your family for financial support.

This story is more personal for me because I sat in those admissions offices and see the pain on my mother face when she has worked for 25 years and realize that through all that she couldn't afford to send me away to Rutgers for 4 years at 30k a year with no financial aid. The tears in the living room as she tried to find a way to give me a chance that her own mother couldn't afford because of the times she lived in. I'm sure my story isn't the only one, just remember that the next time you knock a person who attends a CC, they aren't there because they are stupid, or because they aren't motivated. Maybe because they cant afford the loans that are similar to modern day slavery which bind you to interest and loan repayments that leave you financial incapable to make any moves until your in your 30s. Think long term, the short term will pass sooner.

The Struggle

Economic recession got minorities regressessing
Pac said we not ready for a black president

We still not the only precedent is oil
black gold stolen from oil wells from all over

Taxes on the middle since when has a base started there
shit collapsing down but the rich 1% are on the high chair

look all around people putting all the fault
meanwhile in greece these fools just had a default

riots from London to Tokyo
Politicians think they cool

wonder why your school is underperforming
cuz you got a government full of tools

nobody wants to solve it just add a subsutition
its the 4th quarter and the profits are steady losing

Banks are corrupt and so are the lawyers
how you gonna fight with Obama hands full of oil

Wall street on his back and the vaults begin to crack
By the time im 25 I wont have to worry about being black

debt in the red, raise the roof push the ceiling
keep going this way and the poor will be in the millions

walk away from it all and slowly light a match
the revolution has begun and they devil has met his match

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lost in Thought

Lets get straight to the point hun, I just want to slide inside,
Not between ya legs, i was thinking about your mind,
Your beauty is two-fold your smile is success,
Can we talk for a while before I finish the test,
I wanna probe you and stroke you for the information you witholding,
Your mind is a maze im tryna get lost deep in your gaze.
Lets take a short break from this deep conversation,
Lets head to the kitchen for some treats and refreshing,
Milky chocolate strawberries and pineapple desserts,
drop your hands my lady let me show you how this works,
blink your eyes slow roll ya head back gently,
take these little treats and let that moan out simply,
staring in your eyes i can see your passion runs deeply,
my mind is all over your body,
but im focused on the way you feel,
believe me when i see the potential in me and you,
maybe im too deep that i forgot where i started,
lets drop the clothes and play around on each others bodies.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Double Standards For Men: Part 1

Top ten common Double Standards that men deal with. Everyday on twitter I constantly see women, complain about how they have to live with double standards and how Men have it so easy. Honestly men live with even more double standards then people think, here are just Ten that I've recently read about.

10. When breaking up, Men are jerks, women are victims -- When it comes down to a relationship, if a guy breaks up with the woman he's labeled as a jerk who would just let her down and that he wasn't all that good for her in the first place. When a woman does it to a guy, "it just wasn't right" and he wasn't pulling his weight as a man or simply put he didn't want to put in the effort to make it work.

9. Men ask and pay, women accept and smile when going on dates -- A man is suppose to ask a woman out on a date and pay, while women just accept (or deny) and smile and accept his payment for the date. That's cool after the first few times but after that, your just taking advantage of the situation. I guess that's the sacrifice for wanting a "confident" man.

8. Men are controlled by sex, women are neglected. -- If she cheats its your fault, if you cheat its because you always need sex. Men aren't always controlled by the power of sex, people often forget men have needs that are emotional as well and at times can just be fed up, Women are just as sexually active if not more than men so to categorize Men as being controlled by sex is inaccurate and just piling on to the stereotypes we all live with.

7. Men will cheat, women have control. -- Women can have male friends, but if a guy has a female friend, hes probably cheating. Too many times we encounter this situation, and more times than not its pretty false, women always say they have "brothers" and good male friends, but let a guy have a close relationship with a female, then people automatically assume that they are having sex.

6. Men have to respect women, but Women don't have to respect Men -- We realize that this is a male dominated society and that women are often seen as the second class citizens to us, but at the same time when you break it down to a one on one relationship more often women blatantly disrespect men on a regular basis then vice-versa. To put this plain and simple, if a Man disrespects a women hes rude, lacks manners, and is considered disrespectful in nature, however, if a Woman disrespects a Man, shes standing up for her principles, holding her own, and considered to a be strong woman.

These are just 5 standards that we as men face in today's society, Part 2 coming soon, because i know people have short attention spans when reading.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We broke up, but we still together

You ever been in a relationship where you guys break up yet you guys keep each other around because you feel that there's a chance that you might get back together? Well I'm writing this to say that in most situations you need to get over it and I'm gonna tell you why.

From the female point of view when she breaks up with a guy it can be over a few reasons but mainly because you see yourself in their life more than they do. With that in the back of your head you also realize the good times you share and the work you put in, with that being said you stay around because you feel attached to this person, and its human nature for females to grow attached to things they put time into. If the guy doesn't want to be with you his actions will dictate that to you, and most likely you need to leave. If you stay around not only do you run the risk of getting hurt, but you lose a friend and all chances of getting with that person. Its a fine line most times however that honestly takes being in the situation to understand and outside forces cant dictate how that will go no matter how you roll it.

Now from the male point of view, when he breaks up with a girl it can usually be summed up into one or a few reasons. A guy can break up with a girl for foolish reasons such as; She cant cook, shes flirtatious, she doesn't care, or you don't see yourself with her in the future. Now i have countless amounts of male friend who would say the latter is the main reason they break up with females, but as you might find there's many reasons why guys keep girls around. For one if the sex is good, that's something you don't want to let go of, we all have are needs and that's one of them. Most of the time a guy feels that he can use a girl's clingy-ness are overbearing emotion to him as an advantage, and in most cases this works. A guy is smarter than he lets on, preying on weakness they can find how to work themselves into a situation where, you guys go from broken up, to still being together as if you guys had a title, overall, however, its most likely a set up for him to find someone new.

In short, both male and female need to look at the red flags that both genders throw up after they break up with each other. The love you thought that was there might not be reciprocated in the fashion you wish or want. Sometimes its best to just drop it, love shouldn't hurt, it should feel pure, genuine, and should be shared. If at anytime there isn't 50/50 participation in love, and hasn't been for a while, it might be time to hang it up, there's someone out there that will love you, trust me...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Colors of Appearance Part I

Everyday on twitter and in life alone, i always hear things about "well i like em light-skin" or "team brown-skin all the way" or "darker the berry sweeter the juice #Teamdarkskin (if the berry was that dark, then Wesley snipes is one sweet dude) Pause. regardless of this ignorant talk.

How stupid are we as african-americans, or any other descent, to label each other off skin color? Lightskins are referred to as the house slaves because they were all goody with the slave master, while brown/darkskin people are considered field slaves because they worked under the heat.

We all come in different shades but to clarify yourself as belonging to a certain color and claiming your better, makes you no better than Hitler and his Aryan brotherhood. You think white people say Team blue eyes over Team Green eyes all day?? No stop being ignorant for once and actually open your eyes, and see that we always try to bring ourselves down over the stupidest of things. Either which way you look at it however no matter how light your skin you will always be a minority in the eyes of Caucasian and any other race until you decide to knock off the silly games and act like the people of one.

Too Damn Nice

Fuck this shit im too nice to go back
Gonna come straight out the gate and say fuck you for that
I hate how i gotta be nice all of sudden
Dudes out here turning dimes in to muffins
Gosh your a sweetheart, bitch you a diet or something?
catch diabetes since im your sweet lil nothing
yeah im angry, and that's that, i generalize if i want to
you cant even stop that,
i sit idly by while you give a glancing eye
you stay judging me, but cant live life thru a just eye
so i realize the lies that was feeding me
and the real eyes have said, you ain't accusing me
and the real lies was soon enough revealed to me
that females and males are just fools you see
we run around yapping talking bout we need 2 settle down
yet our ass wont even take an L sitting down
steady fighting for no reason like we proving a cause
all these whores slimes and slores have no simple cause
but a guy will stay picking, cuz we like it real simple
its not that your ugly, you just too damn deceiving
went a fooled yourself into believing, you the only reason
that a guy should tie you down for just a lil season
so here' my simple thesis for you non-believers
if you dumb down ya self maybe you will find a keeper.